Summer Quarter 2024
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- Summer Session I PDF schedule
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HUM 001 - Humanities Forum- Feminism Activism in the Contemporary Americas
Haley Williams
In this course, we will explore contemporary “fourth-wave” feminist activisms across the Americas with particular attention to theoretical and practical roots in Global South and Black and Indigenous feminisms that seek freedom from all oppressive systems by working together in intersectional collective solidarity. This course will center the disruptive discourses brought about by viral hashtag feminist trends spanning from Canada to the Southern Cone and consider how geopolitical location, positionality, and identity impact the construction and perpetuation of these feminist counter-publics. We will focus on the ways that feminist activists and artists in these regions are continuing to take part in the feminist assembly, making its presence and force hyper visible in the so-called public sphere using a variety of mediums and methods. Feminist activists are reappropriating the various tools of neoliberal heteropatriarchy, restructuring gendered “public” spaces like the street, the screen, and the page, spaces that have been rendered inaccessible to womxn, people of color, Indigenous people, the LGBTQIA+ community, the disabled, and the youth, and relocating the crisis of gender and sexual-based violences from the realm of the “private” and the invisible to the “public” where it can no longer be ignored.